The HOMO Association (lat. "Man", reg. "Let's go") has been operating as a non-profit organization since 1991. It was formally registered in 1994.

HOMO is a non-profit organization that works on the realization and promotion of human rights, and the development of democracy and the rule of law in the Republic of Croatia. Monitors and monitors the consistent implementation of constitutional legal norms and their compliance with internationally accepted standards, and educates, informs and sensitizes the public about the importance of respect for human rights and civil liberties. 

HOMO association operates in the entire territory of the Republic of Croatia, and with partners in the area of ​​Southeast and Western Europe. It is one of the founders of a number of international and domestic networks and associations (Igman Initiative, Association of Multiethnic Cities of Southeast Europe PHILIA, Women's Network of Southeast Europe, Coalition for Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, GONG, women's groups: Donji Lapac, Korenica, Ličko Petrovo Selo, Safe houses Istria, Equality Forum, Platform 112…). It connected multiethnic regions and cities: Istria - Vojvodina, Pula - Banja Luka - Budva. HOMO Association has made a great contribution in helping displaced persons, refugees and returnees to exercise their rights (status issues, security, building trust, rebuilding houses, cultural cooperation) in the entire former Yugoslavia, especially in Lika-Senj and Istria County.

HOMO is the founder of the Coalition for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights of the Republic of Croatia, the Croatian Women's Network, the Association of Multiethnic Cities of SE Europe PHILIA, the founder of RECOM, the Shelter for Women Victims of Violence SAFE HOUSE Istria, women's groups Donji Lapac, Korenica and Ličko Petrovo Selo. She is a signatory to the 2004 agreement on interethnic tolerance with the cities of Pula, Banja Luka and Budva. She is also the initiator and signatory of the Memorandum of Cooperation between the cities and associations of national minorities Banja Luka and Pula from 2011.

The president of the association and the mayor of the city of Pula are the winners of the Charter on Multiethnic Tolerance in 2007. The program implemented by HOMO in 2009, entitled "Promotion of EU Values", was named the best program for that year in SE Europe, and the program of the Association of Multiethnic Cities of Southeast Europe in 2006 was named the best regional program of connection among the peoples of Southeast EU.


“Neighborhood” – Affirmation of multiculturalism and cooperation on municipal level in countries of Western Balkans

– EU Commission Europa Aid 2008

– IPA Cross Border Cooperation HR- BiH 2007-2013

- Cross-border connection of multiethnic cities HR-BiH-Serbia and Slovenia

- Total budget EUR 299,000.00 share of HOMO EUR 72,447.50

- Leading partner is HPG (Helsinki Citizens' Parliament), Banja Luka, BiH, partners Center for Regionalism Novi Sad, SRB, HOMO Pula, HR and Helsinki Monitor, Ljubljana, - The project lasted from 15.5.2009. to 15.4.2011.

„Empowering Civil Society trough Training and Establishing a Croatian Equality Forum“.

- As part of the IPA-Transition Assistance and institutional Building Component for 2008.

- As part of the EU Commisison National Program for Croatia

- The main goal of the project is to strengthen civil society organizations through training and the establishment of the Croatian Equality Forum.

- The total budget of the project is EUR 262,469.30, of which EUR 74,141.12 is intended for HOMO

- The leading partner is the non-governmental organization ERT (Equal Rights Trust) London, UK, other partners HPC (Croatian Legal Center) Zagreb and HOMO Pula.

- The project started on 24.05.2011 and ended on 24.05.2013.

Developing capacity of csos for human rights mainstreaming / razvoj kapaciteta organizacija civilnog društva za integriranje ljudskih prava u javne politike”

– IPA 2012 External Actions of the European Union No 2012-01-35-010212

- Development of the capacity of civil society organizations to integrate human rights into public policies and legislation.

- Leading partner HPC, Zagreb with partners (Center for Women Victims of War - ROSA, Croatian Red Cross, HOMO Association for the Protection of Human Rights and Civil Liberties Pula, Serbian Democratic Forum and Women's Room - Center for Sexual Rights

- The total budget is EUR 40,000.00, HOMO share EUR 4,930.20

- Start of the project 01.11.2015. to 10.05.2017.

Četverogodišnji niz projekata „Besplatna pravna pomoć u Istri”- projekti financirani od strane Ministarstva pravosuđa Republike Hrvatske u trajanju od 01.01.2019. – 31.12.2022.

 More about free legal aid:

Since 2018, the HOMO Association has been authorized by the Ministry of Justice to provide primary free legal aid. In its legal team, it has 4 lawyers (3 lawyers) who are available for potential beneficiaries of primary free legal aid. The purpose of free legal aid is to achieve equality before the law, to ensure the effective exercise of legal protection and access to court and other public bodies, and it is provided as primary or secondary legal aid.
Beneficiaries of legal aid in the sense of the Free Legal Aid Act may, under certain conditions, be:
1. Croatian citizens,
2. a child who does not have Croatian citizenship and is found in the Republic of Croatia unaccompanied by an adult responsible under the law, a party on temporary residence subject to reciprocity and a party on permanent residence,
3. a party on temporary protection,
4. a party on illegal residence and a party on short-term stay in the procedures of adopting the decision on expulsion or abandonment of the Croatia,
5- asylum seekers, asylum seekers and foreigners under subsidiary protection, and members of their families legally residing in the Republic of Croatia, in proceedings in which their legal aid is not secured by a special law.

More on the topic of free legal aid at:
In the County of Istria, you can request free legal aid from the competent public authorities in the State Administration Office in the County of Istria:

The legal team of the HOMO association is at your disposal for all questions on the topic of free legal aid !!


Projekt „Između roda i kraja“ ima za cilj poboljšanje kvalitete rehabilitacije žrtava rodnog nasilja te podizanje stanja svijesti u području rodne ravnopravnosti u Ličko senjskoj županiji. Područje projekta odlikuje zaostajanje za nacionalnim prosjekom u gospodarsko- ekonomskom smislu što se reflektira i na domenu rodne ravnopravnosti budući da su, između ostalog, žene često i zbog financijskih razloga prisiljene trpjeti psihičko i fizičko nasilje. Kroz međužupanijsku suradnju Udruge žena „Nit“ iz Korenice kao vodećeg partnera s partnerima udrugama Pokretač iz Korenice i „HOMO“ iz Pule će se kroz razne aktivnosti kao npr.: kreativno edukativne radionice namijenjenih ženama žrtvama rodno uvjetovanog nasilja te ženama općenito na kojima će se iste upoznati s njihovim pravima te mogućnostima zaštite u slučaju trpljenja bilo kojeg oblika psihofizičkog nasilja, edukacije srednjoškolaca Ličko senjske županije o principima egalitarnosti na kojima će se povećati svijest o rodnoj ravnopravnosti te stvaranje koalicije s OCD-ovima u području ženskih prava ostvariti na području Ličko- senjske županije sljedeći rezultati projekta:
1. Podržane žrtve kršenja ljudskih prava u Ličko senjskoj županiji
2. Podržana međusektorska i unutar sektorska suradnja i sinergija u Ličko senjskoj županiji
3. Promicanje međunarodnih standarda ljudskih prava u Ličko senjskoj županiji i
4. Podržan rad i širenje rada OCD-a s građanima i lokalnim zajednicama
Kroz osnaženu suradnju s javnim organizacijama kao Županijskim timom za sprečavanje nasilja u obitelji Ličko senjske županije i Povjerenstvom za ravnopravnost spolova Ličko senjske županije na kraju projekta izradit će se i strateški dokument tj. „Akcijski plan za prevenciju nasilja nad ženama Ličko senjske županije“.
Svim navedenim će se utjecat će se na sprečavanje diskriminacijskog odnosa prema ženama te postići viši nivo zaštite žena u Ličko senjskoj županiji.
Trajanje projekta: 01.08.2022. – 31.10.2023. godine
Vrijednost projekta: 29.956,21 EUR-a
Projekt je financijski podržan kroz Fond za aktivno građanstvo u Hrvatskoj. Projekt se ne provodi u suradnji s partnerima iz donatorskih zemalja.
Partneri na ovom projektu su Udruga žena NIT Korenica, Udruga za zaštitu ljudskih prava i građanskih sloboda “Homo” i Udruga Pokretač iz Korenice.


  Mirjana Galo


Igor Galo


Saša Moharić dipl.iur.


Vice President and Head of Legal Team

Legal team:

Odvj. Janja Maričić

Maja Fištrović dipl.iur.

Mauricio Smoković dipl.iur.

Odvj. David Salaj

The development of the website was financed by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Croatia